Let us consider in fact, that, among the very many ancient Chinese medicine books/texts that reached our hands, only very few of them deal about acupuncture.
The depth of the eastern phytotherapy wholly overcomes the western one. The quantity of the substances used in the western phytotherapy is not larger than/does not overcome few hundreds. In comparison thousands of remedies were written in the text known as Bencao Ganmu (Li Shizhen, 1578 A.D.), that contains/includes substances of mineral, animal and vegetal origin.
The assumption of phytotherapy remedies must not be confused with a miraculous practice but not even with the assumption of herbs infusion having a powerful placebo effect.
The application field of the Chinese herbs is in fact very large : from the long life therapies to the remedies used in urgent situation that may be faced today in a hospital. The Classic Text Shennong Bencao Jing 神農本草經 (200 B.C. about) divided/shared the substances in three categories: in the upper one 上品 we find the herbs that can be assumed for long periods and increase the length of our life; the substances of the medium category 中品 can be used only for a short period; at the lower category 下品 only belong the ones that are potentially toxis and are often advised for a single used and are able to obtain great results in extreme conditions.
on the contrary it may be composed with a formula that joins a variable number of remedies based on the clinic use. It is a normal fact to expect that beside the solution of the main symptoms there is also a full improvement of the organs functions. Furthermore the assumption of a specific herbal formula is considered as a little/small daily treatment. This increases the possibility of a therapeutic satisfactory result in the more difficult clinic case and allows to maintain a good health status between two visits /between a visit and the following one.
Chinese herbs lead a gradual process of healing that does not only involve the symptoms but all the organ functions.
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