
Studi e percorso formativo in medicina cinese del dottor Fabio Lodo

The ones who approach the eastern tradition should be before loose his way and then find it immediately once more thru the one called

Yi Lin 醫林, The Forest of Medicine

This is an expression that explains the complexity of the human being.

I obtained my university degree in Medicine Surgery in Pavia, and this is the place where I chose to deepen my knowledge of the eastern medicine by attending my specialization in/of Internal Medicine. 

Such a choice gave me a fundamental advantage: I had been working at a strict contact with countless patients who were in every stage/phase of their life. The classic texts of Chinese medicine had been written by doctors with a very great clinic experience. What they described can be understood only by whom who saw with their own eyes what they referred: their understanding derives from a remarkable practice otherwise we risk to interpret in a esoteric way the concepts that are fundamentally simple.

My formation in the Chinese medicine started during the years when I worked in Pavia Hospital. I got the degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Traditional Medicine by So-Wen School in Milan.

The professionalism and the great experience of my teachers during the first four years of acupuncture had increased my wish to develop my knowledge in this field.

This was the reason because I did not stop after having got the degree.

In fact the first volume of Nei Jing 內經 reports that the practice at lower level, Xia Gong 下工, obtains the healing/recovery of 6 ill patients out of 10; this figure rises at 7 out of 10 for the medium level doctor , Zhong Gong 中工, while the more expert doctor, Shang Gong 上工, reaches a level of 9 ill patients out of 10.

This passage made me think about the remarkable capabilities of those ancient doctors and I was therefore stimulated to a deeper research of a greater and greater acupuncture level.

My wish to use the needles in addition with the Chinese herbs in order to obtain a better therapeutic possibility was born with the collaboration with a very expert Italian professional of Chinese Pharmacotherapy: Doctor Grazia Rotolo

Her continuous incentives/spurs and teachings allowed me to know and be able to prescribe to use the herbs either following the Chinese tradition or according to the most modern “Kampo” Japanese method.

In any profession, skillfulness/ability derives from a long practice. Chinese Medicine does not make any exception. During my first formation travel in China I could luckily practice in different hospitals, among which the “ 354 Military Hospital “ in Nanking, under the direct supervision of the very famous Lady Professor Qiao Wenlei of Nanking University. 

Dottor Fabio Lodo durante un trattamento di agopuntura nella sede di Milano
Dottor Fabio durante la pratica dell'agopuntura

The following travels in Beijing/Peking allowed me to fulfill/attend an engaging perfection course about orthopedic pathologies and about the techniques to operate/handle “Tuina” organized by a really expert doctor on this subject: Doctor Andrew Nugent-Head.

My research of a true Chinese Medicine that had survived in its identity from the mutilations/maimings occurred during the cultural revolution, let me know Doctor Andrew Nugent-Head, still now a day my master and friend.

My collaboration with him started after a long period of work by his centre at Asheville, North Caroline (U.S.A.), that is known as “The Alternative Clinic” and continues still today with a profitable and useful updating and my cooperation in his workshops in Europe, China and U.S.A.

My wish to be in position to cure the most considerable of potential patients and let acupuncture known to a very large public, led me to choose to work in various Italian towns , like Savona,Pavia,Milano and Reggio Emilia. In particular my activity is linked with the national health service and permits me to obtain a clinic experience that can count more than 2.000 visits a year

We never stop learning, my current target is to maintain an international professional updating level and to pursue in the study and in the interpretation of the classic texts supported by a continuous deep clinic practice.

Agopuntura per fibromialgia

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