This system was born in China more than 3.000 years ago and developed and strengthened in the course of 3 millenia becoming a very reliable/trustful instrument.
At the first sight the theoretic bases of Chinese Medicine may appears only derived from mystic and philosophical concepts. Anyway the recent discoveries of relativistic physics and quantum mechanic enlighten a strict correlation between the ancient theories and the modern physics.
From a eastern point of view everything is energy or Qi 氣. Acupuncture is an instrument that allow to pilot the Qi in order to correct the unbalances that are at the base of the disease development.
The clinic evidence support the efficiency of the use of acupuncture for the treatment of countless/numerous/many pathologies. From a neurobiological point of view acupuncture is able to react a lot of clinic modifications in the human organs.
The injection of a needle in particular points of the human body may release/free some hormones and neurotransmitters and reduce the inflammation and cause an interaction among neurons and stimulate i riflessi assonico e somatoautonomici to modulate some biological replies.
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I am at your disposal to provide you with information on traditional Chinese medicine and guide you on this path.
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